Are you listening to ‘Race to your career’ yet?

 In Blog, Press Releases

If you haven’t yet tuned into Careers in Racing’s podcast, you’re in for a treat, and even better, the episodes are all on YouTube.

Developed with education partner, Not Going To Uni, each episode focuses on a particular area of the industry, with guests ranging from racing grooms, experienced veterinary officers and marketing professionals, to those at the very start of their careers in racing.

All episodes of Race to your Career are available to listen to on the main podcast hosting platforms, including Apple and Spotify, or to watch on the Careersinracing YouTube channel.

If you’re doing exams this summer and weighing up your decisions for colleges, universities and your career, give this episode a watch. Three members of racing staff share their stories and experiences in attending the racing schools, completing the courses and what they love most about working in racing.

Racing Staff Weeknational-racehorse-week